Multiple US & International Patents…


The QuantumCash™ System is protected by three US patents, with additional patents pending. In addition, the Company has several international patents.


Our patents cover the use of our rewards on a broad array of non-cash transaction devices including, but not limited to:











We protect our patents for the benefit of all…

Our implementation TEAM will make certain that, together, we construct a Win-Win-Win-Win plan
that both complies with our patents and trademarks… and leverages the optimum power of QuantumCash…

So that You Win… Your Customers Win…. Other Merchants Win… And, We Win.


Be sure to review our It’s Coming… And It Will Change Everything and A Vision Of A New America sections
for a preview of what will be unveiled to you after you complete your NDA.


Let us present the QuantumCash story to you and your associates in eye-opening detail.
Simply complete our NDA to get started.