It Will Change Everything

It Will Change Everything…


In The OLD Economy:

Use any card and get 1%, 2% or as much as 5% cash rewards or points. Is it any wonder that consumers don’t get excited… and jump from one rewards program to another?




In The NEW Economy:

Use the only card in the world
that can pay you MORE THAN YOU SPEND…

Think about it… how exciting would it be to consumers if they spend $500 every month throughout their community and online… and, instead of getting $5 to $25 in rewards, they get a check for $700… or even $thousands? Sound too good to be true? It’s not only possible… it’s easily achievable.






In The OLD Economy:

Marketers fight expensive Rewards Wars trying to buy LOYALTY –

investing huge sums of capital to market and administrate Loyalty Programs that do not

differentiate, and bring a pitiful ROI to the bottom line.





In The New Economy:

QuantumCash™ with Multiplied Rewards™ will be so universally VALUABLE to consumers, it will quickly make all other
Rewards Programs a forgotten memory…

Consumers simply can’t afford to leave your program – it’s too VALUABLE to them.







In The OLD Economy:

Marketers invest heavily to acquire customers one by one,

retain them, seek referrals and re-acquire the customers they lose –

all with enormous marketing budget WASTE.






In The NEW Economy:

QuantumCash will dramatically cut the waste from
your marketing budget…

Not only will you be able to cut back on wasteful mass marketing initiatives that produce questionable and inconsistent ROI, consider this: What if this new marketing model had other businesses, that you have no relationship with, sharing the cost of YOUR Rewards Program… actually paying a substantial part of the cost of keeping YOUR customers happy and loyal to YOU? How exciting would that be?




In The OLD Economy:

Employees give lip-service loyalty to employers while they keep
their eyes open for better opportunities, or simply accept their fate
that they’re stuck in a job they can’t afford to leave.





In The New Economy:

QuantumCash will energize your employees
to be enthusiastic Ambassadors for you…

How much difference would it make in YOUR organization if your staff considered a benefit you provide to be so valuable that they would mobilize as an army to spread your marketing message? How much would it change your business culture to have every employee voluntarily, and enthusiastically, become a Marketing Ambassador for you?





In The OLD Economy:

Customer Referral Programs always look good in the conference
room, but they too often fall flat in the real world. So customer
acquisition remains mostly a one-by-one grind.


In The NEW Economy:

QuantumCash will empower your
customers to become passionate salepersons for you…

Sure you’re probably trying to participate in social networks to find new customers. But what if there was a new model that combined your customers’ affinity with the social networks and a first-time-ever large financial incentive to share their passion with everyone they talk to? It would create a marketing accelerator unlike anything you have ever seen before.

And that’s the power of QuantumCash (See A Vision Of A New America to see
where this power leads).



It’s Coming…


Be One Of The Visionary Leaders Who Recognizes That Early-In WINS BIG HERE!

Let us present the QuantumCash story to you and your associates in eye-opening detail. Simply complete our NDA to get started. QuantumCash will indeed change everything, and you have the opportunity right now to ensure that you are strategically positioned to enhance your market share… and reap the enormous rewards of this New Economy.

Watch our founder’s brief video message to prospective Marketing Partners.

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