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Pay-It-Forward™ is the newest proprietary iteration of Cash Rewards from QuantumCash. It changes the entire paradigm of cash rewards from “serving self” to “serving others.”Pay-It-ForwardRewardsis designed to help non-profit organizations generate sustainable support by encouraging members, and current supporters, of the non-profit organization to take small steps to earn cash for the organization by shopping at Earning Social Merchants.

Like script programs, a percentage of their purchases goes to the non-profit organization.  However, unlike those traditional programs, the Pay-It-Forward Rewards Program goes full circle to reward the member who invited others to participate. In others words, the member “gives up a little bit of rewards” and subsequently, Pay-It-Forward Rewards actually compensates the member for inviting others to do the same thing.  The ultimate goal is to generate more revenue for the non-profit organization.

Earning Social

rewards individual and corporate users based on the “their social capital.” For consumers, it is the equivalent of “found money” meaning that it is something they never even thought was possible. For the Merchant, Earning Social serves as“spot-on, performance-based, measurable advertising that demonstrates a clear ROI.”

Debit Card Rewards

Credit Card Rewards

Mobile Rewards

Companion Rewards ™

Multiplied Rewards ®

Pay-It-Forward Rewards ™

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