QuantumCash – a FinTech Company
The QuantumCash™ was issued 4 US patents thus supporting the fact that QuantumCash is UNIQUE. We have also developed multiple trade secrets that transcend our original inventions. And while patents are important, we know that it is the execution and implementation of our intellectual property that will change history. We truly believe that the success of our company will be directly proportionate to the quality and quantity of the strategic alliances we form. The uniqueness of our program is so compelling that it has been said that “QuantumCash could be the Facebook of the Financial Services Industry.”
Our rewards can be delivered on a broad array of non-cash transaction devices including, but not limited to: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Smart Cards, Cell Phones, Tablets, iPhones, iPads, computers, and even vouchers. In addition, we received a patent on the process of using our rewards system to create sustainable revenue for non-profit organizations. This is something that we are committed to as part of our corporate mission and culture.
Companies that partner with QuantumCash.com will benefit from our Intellectual Property as well as from the power of our marketing partners.
You Win. Your Customers Win. Other Merchants Win. Everybody Wins!